Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Cavities and Questions

A few weeks ago Miles went to the dentist and found out he had a cavity.  This being the first cavity in our family, there was much worry in his little world as the date to have it fixed moved closer and closer. 

After they numbed his mouth, and gave him a little laughing gas, the dentist came back to start working on him.  Miles pushed his hands out of his mouth and said, "Dr Lambert, wait.  I have a frozen tooth."  After the dentist assured him that it was ok, the work resumed, but every single step of the way, Miles would stop him and ask what was going on.  He wanted to know every tool that came towards his mouth.  He wanted to know what said tool was going to do.  He wanted to know the time frame of this unpleasant procedure.  He was brave as can be, but the questions never stopped. 

I laughed a little as I watched him, but the more I thought about it, the more I realize how great this questioning mind is.  He asks questions about everything, wants to know the details of every experience, explores how everything works, and loves reading about things like volcanoes.  His mind is a sponge, and soaks up so much information.  When you take him on a drive or a date, one on one, the talking never stops and jumps around to a million different, random topics.  Nate and I can't believe the things he overhears us talking about, when it seems like he's busy doing 27 different things. 

I hope he never loses this questioning spirit and never stops wanting to know so much about this world around him.

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

The frozen tooth comment kills me! I wish I could have been there to hear everything he asks. He is so cute and so fun.