Saturday, December 17, 2011

Santa Breakfast

Last Saturday we had breakfast with Santa.

See that look on Jackson's face? That says,"I don't feel like smiling because I don't eat buffet style pancakes. My dad took me to Elements breakfast once and now I am high maintenance. I will also accept Kneaders." Everyone else enjoyed the food. . . Miles came straight from a basketball game and ate 27 pieces of bacon. Or something like that.

When Santa asked Miles what he wanted, Miles just shrugged and continued petting Santa's plastic beard. Later I asked Miles why he didn't tell Santa what was on his Christmas list this year and he said, "That Santa was so fake mom." Apparently he didn't even want to waste his time!

I love that my 9 year old is still such a believer. I'm sad that someday soon that magic will be gone, but for now I will fully enjoy his innocence.

Pretty Lola

This picture kills me. . .check out her sideways glance at the man with a beard. She was not about to take her eyes off him. But there were no tears. Way to go Stella!

Warming up a little. . . still no smile.

Why is Santa hiding behind Miles? Definitely not the best Santa around, but we'll take what we can get. At least we didn't have to wait in line at the mall. . . that's worth a lot!


Chelsea said...

What the heck -- Jacks looks like a teenager to me he is so big! Cutest pictures-- that cracks me up about Miles! And is that the little bracelete I gave Stella for Christmas last year? I didn't know it would still fit her! Cute. Marcus just said that Santa looks kind of metro. hah.

Tierra said...

I was just thinking the same thing about Jackson--that he looks SO grown up!! He's standing there all cool with his Zac Efron hair...
Miles answer is so classic Miles. Apparently there are a shortage of authentic Santas this year. Chel said the zoo one was pretty bad too. Glad Stell didn't cry!

Elise said...

Shifty eyed Stell. LOVE.

Sue said...

What's with all of the lame Santas this year? Must have really cut their wages---
I really got a kick out of Jackson's philosophy of high-society pancakes! Elements or Kneaders--he's got good taste!
Miles was smart to not waste any of his preciously small supply of energy on that poor excuse for a Santa! ha! But the photo of the 4 kids is so cute--you just need to photoshop the Santa out of the picture, since he's hiding anyway.
Love how Stella doesn't trust the guy! Lola looks happy as can be and so so pretty! Love ya!