Mr. Jackson
1. Jackson was a HUGELY fat baby. He weighed 30 lbs at his 1 year checkup. He also weighed 30 lbs at his 2 year checkup. . . and his 3 year checkup. Now he is of quite average size.
2. When he gets interested in things, he gets completely engrossed in them. It started with everything ocean when he was really young and he wanted nothing to do with anything else. He has to learn every single little fact about whatever it is he's into. Usually by the time we've spent a ton of money collecting things, he moves on to the next infatuation.
3. He loves movies and has since he was teeny. He really makes his dad proud on that one. He picks up on the craziest little details and remembers them for years. He is currently working out the script for Transformers 2 and Pirates 4.
4. Jackson loves to be outside. Now that the weather is above freezing, he wants to be out all day playing with all the neighbor kids and riding his bike.
Miles Cooper
1. He is the smiliest kid you will ever see. He may be a little imp, but he is so happy to be alive.
2. Miles is teeny. He has been in the 3rd percentile for weight and height for his whole existence. He eats like crazy but moves so fast that I'm pretty sure he burns way more calories than most people thought was possible.
3. He has a crazy obsession with kitties. He has this ratty old stuffed kitty that is his life. He calls Petsmart the kitty store and makes sure we frequent it quite often. He spends his summer days chasing the neighbor cats around. Too bad Nate and I are not cat people and will never give in on this one!
4. Miles loves to dance. He loves music and even though he has a very limited vocabulary, hums songs all day long and hums along with the radio in the car. All my kids like to dance, but Miles is a dancing nut and has quite the moves. I'm pretty sure he gets most of them from me.
Little Miss Lola
1. Lola is the best eater in the family. That girl will eat anything and everything. One day I told my sister that it was possibly her best quality. I won't live that one down. But really, after having super picky boys, it's so fabulously wonderful to not have to force feed!
2. She is such a loving little person. She loves, loves, loves hugs and kisses and walks around all day giving them to everyone in her family. Nothing makes me feel better than a Lola hug and a nice sloppy kiss.
3. Lola is so girly. She loves Sundays when she gets to put on her frilly dresses and twirl around. All day long she picks out different shoes and begs me to put them on her little piggies. She loves her bracelets, hair clips, fingernails painted and all other things girl.
4. Lola loves her brother Miles more than anything else. Being only 20 months apart, those 2 have a really tight bond and have the best time together. Lately they've become especially good at getting into trouble together.
I'm tagging Megan's, Amber's, Britt's, and Jamie's kiddos.
30 pounds! That is hilarious. And you just wait, when Miles starts to talk, he's going to remember every lyric from every song he's ever heard.... a talent just like his dad's. I love that Lola is so girly, especially after having two older brothers. I wish lived closer so we knew your kids better.
Thanks for the tag Katie. No actually it was so fun to read about your cuties and I will get on my entry when the kids are asleep tonight. That is if I am not watching anything we recorded this week:).
Katie, I've been meaning to post on this for awhile.. Thanks for doing the post! I remember seeing Jacks when he was a baby, and he was the cutest chubby baby EVER!! It is fun to read about other peoples kids, because I find out that things Macy does aren't as weird as I thought, cause other kids do them too. Loved learning about your kids!
Your kids are freaking cute! You know that though... Love that Jacks plateaued at 30 lbs. for 3 years. Wow, a 30 lb one year old...unbelievable. Teensy Miles reminds me a little bit of my house of shrimps! I'm so happy for you that you that Lola is a girly girl, there is a lot to be said for bonding over shoes and handbags!
So fun to read about your kiddos.
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