Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pumpkin Pickin'

Today we met Asher, Chelsea and Granny in Layton and went to the pumpkin patch.  
It was so cute to watch these 2 little cousins wander around searching for the perfect pumpkin.

They climbed on them, used them as cars, pulled wagons full of them around, and kept changing their minds when it came to decision time. 

Afterwards we went to Cafe Rio for lunch and had cookies at Sweet Tooth Fairy.
Such a perfect afternoon!


Chelsea said...

Of course you already blogged this...the day of! We loved meeting you guys there and Asher has talked about Stella all day long. These pictures are beyond perfect. I love seeing Asher and Stella's relationship. So glad they are buds.

Elise said...

Those babies!! Too cute for words!