Miles has Friday's off from preschool, so most weeks, I ask him and Lola where they want to go on an
adventure. During the warmer spring and fall days, there are plenty of options but come winter, we are
highly limited in Cache Valley. They love Borders, the library, the pet store, the toy store, and even Sam's Club but lately we have become obsessed with
Hobby Lobby. Yes, Hobby Lobby. . . the craft store. Each Friday for the last month or two, we pack ourselves up, head off, and wander up and down the aisles of Hobby Lobby. I have yet to figure out just what it is about this store that makes it the most exciting place in the world for a 4 year old and a 2 year old to adventure to on their day off!
If only it stopped there. Then we come home and play a fantastic little game called
"Hobby Lobby." My two youngest pack every single bag or purse that they can round up, with any little trinket, toy, or piece of garbage they can find, put it all in Lola's little doll stroller and hunker down under the stairs for hours and hours. All day long I hear,
"Hey Lola, wanna go to Hobby Lobby?" And then they're off. It keeps them very entertained, and is quite cute to find them in there with all manner of gear, reading books to each other and just hanging out. They are such
little buddies these days.
Kids can be so
Well if we are ever in Cache Valley we might have to stop by Hobby Lobby. Don't you just love it when your kids play together so nice? My kids are having one of those days today. It's the best!
Hours of entertainment??? And the kids getting along??? Hobby Lobby- here I come!
That's so funny! Macy loves Hobby Lobby too. She really likes to say the name over and over. And especially likes all the plastic grapes displayed everywhere??? Yes, kids are a bit bizarre. Hope you survive the winter.
That is so funny! I wish my kids had the same response. I went there the other day, and Jake almost burst into tears. He said PLEASE can't I just stay in the car.DON't make me go in!! They have the same response with down east home. That store actually did bring Olivia to tears one day.
Interesting! You are much craftier than I am and probably a lot nicer than I am when I take my kids to stores.
I love Hobby Lobby too! That is soo funny! I am sure my kids would love it too, if only I would let them run around the store and grab whatever they wanted! Kids are hilarious! I love their little imaginations.
So funny! My kids are happy there as long as I look at what they want to see, but if I wander towards something I'd like to see they get restless!
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