I constantly talk about my kids on my blog but rarely give any blog attention to my awesome husband. On Tuesday night I had Young Women's at my house and Nate was so great to get the kids out of the way for the evening. I thought he'd do something like take them to Borders to read books or maybe to the pet store - you know, something I would do. But when the garage opened later that night, Jacks, Miles and Lola all came running in so excited about the hike dad took them on. A HIKE, I said??? This is something I would never fathom doing alone with my 3 kids and would only ponder momentarily if Nate was volunteering to go with us. Afterwards, he took them to the gas station and let them each pick out a treat and a drink. Dads can get away with things like taking kids to the gas station for treats. If I was to do it, they would try to make it a daily habit.
I'm so grateful that Nate is such an amazing dad. He balances my order/routine-crazy-self out and gives the kids things that I can't give them (even if it does sometime

Oh my gosh--where did he take them?!? That's funny--especially after he and Miles were fighting with each other right before!
Way to be!! I have always liked Nates laugh too!
I love that! Wow though, that's pretty daring I must say! Good for him though and it's true, dad's do get away with all kinds of stuff that we can't because the kids will totally ride that everyday!
A hike?!? Well done Nate. Matt needs to read this. This weekend when Matt was in charge he took them not on a hike, but to Best Buy and bought an Apple TV. Hmmmm, wonder who that treat was for?
Nate is a cute dad and I am so impressed with all the fun things he does with your kids. By the way I posted the Gak recipe.
Seriously Katie, I SO have the 'un-cool' parent title at my house too! Aren't great Daddy's worth their weight in gold? They truly do make our jobs a little easier. BTW I love your new 'look' on your blog!! Snazzy..
I'm going to try and leave this comment again. I've decided it didn't want to post because I said WAY too nice of things about Nate and wouldn't let me give the thruth:) Kidding Nate is a really good day. I apreciatie him always manning up and being the priesthood represenative for my family since I always feel dumb that Bryan has all these brothers and dads etc, and I have no one. So for all the mean things he has done and all the mean names he has called me-like The Mantis: this well makes up for it. So Nate is a great person and a great dad! and we love him. Now since it Mother's day Katie you need to have him do one for you. I hope to see you guys soon! We miss you and love you. Happy Mother's Day to you Kate- you are an amazing mother, I admire you for that so much, you are so beautiful with your kids. You have this amazing ability to make little children feel comfotable with you even my kids who when we have gone a few months of no contact they are drawn to you as soon as they see you. I love that. I hope it will always be. So I hope you had a wonderful day. I love you I will update my blog soon, so please don't give up on me. help push me to do it. Love you guys.
Nate is such a great guy! We both lucked out in the dad/husband department! And about the treats I totally hear you!
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