Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cinco de Mayo Awesomeness

So we had the annual Cinco de Mayo celebration tonight...and boy howdy was it a celebration!
We had muchos deliciouso food.
mexican sweet corn cake
7 layer bean dip courtesy of Lise and Mike
sangria with citrus
brownies (not exactly authentic Mexican fare, but delish none the less)
aaaaand. . .
yummy fruity beverages, complete with umbrellas made by Tierra and Jacks

 No one can tell me this isn't the most awesome family picture there ever was. 
fake mustaches
fruity bevies in hand
a crazy cheeser baby in the background

 We invited a few neighbors over to assist in the pinata bashing at the end.  Unfortunately it was 
not the most awesome pinata ever 
because it was destroyed after the 4th kid had their turn.  
oh well
the candy was loved none the less.
Happy Cinco de Mayo. . . 
and thanks to all those who humor us in our 
extreme love 
of this holiday.


Tierra said...

Holy cow fast blogging!! I love:
A) the fact that upon donning a fake mustache we all become surly
B) your poser baby
C) that your Christmas card photo is ready to go
D) this exhibit of your dull children again
And E) that I finally got to participate in this awesome event!!
Happy Cinco de Mayo!!!

Chelsea said...

You totally cannot tell me you didn't go all out! You did! And it looks awesome. Love all of the decorations and the foods. The flowers look awesome too in their little canisters. And yes, the family photo is so incredible. And Stella's teeth! I can see those top two finally poking out! Looks like the best Cinco de Mayo celebration I have ever seen.

JLJ said...

Wow! I love a family that takes Cinco de Mayo seriously! Those mustaches made my day.

Christina said...

Love your family pic and Stella in the back! Too bad we don't live in Logan, I would've loved to crash that Cinco de Mayo awesomeness! ;)

Gaddzooks! said...

That truly is the best family photo taken in the history of the world. It's so great even I want to have it printed on canvas so I can hang it above our sofa...for reals. Dave wants to hang it above our bed, but I think that might be weird. :)