Thursday, May 28, 2009

Selling Nature

Yesterday afternoon my doorbell rang and I found 2 cute neighbor girls on my porch.

"We're selling Nature," said one, "want to buy some?"

A bit confused, I followed them out to my driveway where I found 2 big wagons full of all sorts of Nature. Old walnuts, big green maple leaves, 'airplane' maple seeds, and purple leaves were among their offerings.

For a whopping 35 cents I came away with quite an amazing display of Nature.

In all my years, I would have never come up with such an idea!


drb42 said...

That is funny!

Christina said...

WOW, that is creative, why didn't I think of that as a kid? By the way, love Jacks remarks about swine flu-too funny!

JLJ said...

That is great. Best 35 cents you ever spent, right? I remember making bookmarks and trying to sell them to my neighbors. I don't think I sold any. They were probably overpriced, like 40 cents or something.

Megan said...

Love it! So funny.

We finally got here 6 days ago. Almost unpacked. We need to get together soon.