Last night Jackson excitedly asked me if I had Young Womens. When I told him I did not, he was very distraught. I was a bit confused because normally my kids have an unnatural attachment to me. Then he told me that he likes it when I go to Young Womens because dad lets them do all kinds of things that I don't. I think his exact words were, "dad's more fun than you, mom."
Upon further investigation, I managed to find out that Jackson's real issue was that Nate had bought the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie and since I had already told Jacks he was not allowed to watch it until his 7th birthday, dad was sure to let him. Nate always does things like this - every night I'm gone they watch some sort of crazy, non-age appropriate movie! I should have realized it the day we had Jacks and Nate vowed that he was going to be the "cool" parent. Dang - we have arrived.
This sounds just like Cam. He let Tag watch some of Spiderman and that is all Tag ever wants to watch now. I don't want him watching these types of movies- heck he isn't even3 yet. I just keep telling Tag he can watch it when it comes on the tv again. It is too bad that we have to put the smack down and actually be the responsible parties in our households! It is a dirty job, but somebody has to do it!
That is just like my spouse. Whenever I go out of town alone (which isn't that often) they have non-stop fun. They go straight from ChuckECheese, to the movies to Chick FIl A to cold stone. Not fair. We can't do wildly fun things everyday. Unless you count reading Ten Apples Up on Top fifty five time wild!
we have the same problem! I'll come home and they will all be camped on the sofa, eyes glued o the TV as Bradey blows monsters up on the XBOX, then come the nightmares....wonder why?
I never understood what my mom meant about always being the "bad guy" until I had kids, and Bryan was so much nicer than me.. oh well..I'll be the mean mom as long as the girls still run to me when they get hurt! How was babysitting group?
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