Friday, February 25, 2011

Heroes, Villains & Force Fields

"Come play blocks with me mom," said Miles the other morning. Stella was asleep, reading homework was done, showers were taken, breakfast was eaten and cleaned up, rooms were clean and Lola was occupied in her room. This was a rare moment in our hectic morning routine!

As I sat down with my little engineer, being the designated 'block finder,' I thought back to the days when he was a baby. Jackson was 2 1/2 and we spent many a day building block towers, playing cars, pretending with dinosaurs and putting together puzzles. We had few deadlines, no carpool to drive, no school to get off to, no classroom volunteering, and no sporting events to hurry to. We woke up in the morning with an open schedule - plenty of time to sit in the playroom together and do whatever we wanted.

Everyone told me life would get crazy, that they would grow too fast and to savor this time when they were little. Looking back, I hope I did that. . . I hope I soaked up every minute of our slow paced lifestyle.

As for this day: how glad I am that I followed my little guy down to the playroom. That I ignored that sink full of dishes, the dirty kitchen floor and the load of laundry in exchange for the chance to enter Miles' pretend world of good/bad guy castles, force fields, heroes and villains, spike areas, bomb areas and hidden weapons.

I think I'm finally realizing that they really aren't staying little forever. That my days making towers and pretending with my boys are slowly being replaced by endless games of basketball in the driveway, Wii, friends, and long days spent at school.

And that's ok too.


Amie said...

Sigh. This one inspired me to spend more quality time with my little guys. :)

Chelsea said...

Cute. I am so glad you are blogging again because I love reading these. That first picture of Miles is so just Miles. Love it. Can we please see you guys soon? Miss you.